Former Droitwich mayor backs skate park bid - The Droitwich Standard
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Former Droitwich mayor backs skate park bid

Droitwich Editorial 1st Aug, 2014 Updated: 17th Oct, 2016   0

A FORMER Droitwich mayor has backed the campaign for an indoor skate park, calling on the town and district council ‘to wake up and embrace the 21st century’.

The calls from Roy Hadland come after our story last Friday (July 25) about the bid being spearheaded by the town’s youth council.

Mr Hadland, who is calling on the authorties to find the money to support the project, revealed how 21 years ago, when he was a councillor, he was approached by a group of teenagers about having a skate park.

But, he said, when he took it to a council meeting he was told it was a ‘passing fancy or fad’.

“Now we all know it is a national sport all over the world.

“Find the money for this project from all the planning gain money you have received over the past years.

“Not only will it possibly help with anti-social behaviour but don’t we owe it to our youth to provide these sporting facilities.” Mr Hadland said.

Jem Teal, Wychavon District Council’s community development manager, said the authority had a strong track record of working with various community groups in providing and improving recreational amenities.

He added how the ‘planning gains’ money – section 106 developer contributions from recent planning applications – would not become available until the houses were built.

“The existing skate park facility in King George’s Field in Droitwich came about when we reacted to a request from local people and worked with a group of committed individuals from Droitwich High School to deliver the project.

“Contributions we have secured from developers have been allocated to improvements at Droitwich Leisure Centre and the sports pitches on King George’s Field.”

Mr Teal said the authority would support a joint approach when looking at the feasibility of an indoor skate park or an extension to the existing outdoor one on King George’s Field which, he added, could be more realistic than a dedicated indoor facility.

A district council spokesperson added there were skate parks in both Evesham and Pershore young people could use.

And he added the indoor skate park in Worcester, The Park, was forced to close in 2007 despite its popularity.

He also said running costs associated with any building were high and were often passed onto the users making it unaffordable for many.

Although, he did say, some costs could be mitigated using volunteers to staff the building and forming a charitable organisation to apply for grant support and reduce the burden of business rates.

* WHAT do you think? Should the young people of Droitwich be given an indoor skate park? Or are there other facilities would you like to see in the town? Send us your views to

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