A RALLYING call has gone out to Droitwich residents to ensure they have their say on planning issues relating to the proposed major developments for the town.
Coun Richard Morris said it was important that, now development had been given the go ahead on land to the north of Pulley Lane and Newland Lane and on Yew Tree Hill, local people got involved and shaped the finer details.
His comments come just days before Monday’s Droitwich Town Council planning committee, when members will be discuss three issues surrounding the Redrow Homes application to build 500 properties on land to the north of Pulley Lane and Newland Lane.
One relates to the section of Newland Road which is more like a country lane. There were fears it would be widened to increase traffic, including buses, but it is hoped it will remain a footpath/cycle way with the bus route going around the outside of the site.
The second issue is the widening of Pulley Lane. Coun Morris said, although many people, including himself, did not want the road widened, it would need to be to accommodate the number of vehicles.
The third relates to changes to the junction of Pulley Lane and the A38.
Coun Morris said: “Now development is happening, residents have a big role to play.
“If we are going to get all these houses in Droitwich, we need them to be the right kind of properties and and we need the right infrastructure in place.
“Officers have said they welcome constructive comments as they help when they approach the developers.”
Monday’s meeting starts at 6pm with questions beforehand at 5.45pm.
Anyone wanting to ask questions, however, needs to get them to Droitwich Town Council by the end of today (Friday). They can be e-mailed to pam.craney@droitwichspa.gov.uk or mark.keld@droitwichspa.gov.uk.
Coun Morris said, in light of the Planning Inspectorate overturning Wychavon District Council’s decisions to reject the two controversial applications for Yew Tree Hill, it was also important for residents to have their say on the reserved matters relating to the site.
The appeal result came after a lengthy fight by campaign group SOGOS (Save Our Green Open Spaces), which was fully supported by the town and district councils.
The Barberry Droitwich Ltd, Persimmon Homes Ltd and Prowting Projects Ltd proposals will see 765 homes, a 200-bed care facility, a mixed use local centre and associated infrastructure built on land off Yew Tree Hill.
Coun Richard Morris said residents needed to make the best of a bad situation by ensuring they had their say.
At the last Droitwich Town Council Planning Meeting, Coun Morris put forward a motion to invite agencies to a series of separate public meetings to ensure how a satisfactory infrastructure will be put in place.
Among the suggested organisations are Worcestershire Highways, the NHS, Severn Trent, the Environment Agency and the education authority Worcestershire County Council.
It is anticipated that the get-togethers will be in the autumn when most people’s holidays are out of the way so as many residents as possible can attend.
Coun Morris also wants a public presentation and meeting on the Yew Tree plans but that can only happen once reserved matters had been resolved.
Those wanting to have their say on Yew Tree Hill should visit http://www.wychavon.gov.uk/planning and click onto ‘comment on planning application’.
The case numbers are 15/01187 and 15/01418.